Gus Charteris - TrusteeI am an experienced economic development expert with strong strategic thinking, policy, research, relationship building and influencing skills. I love engaging with people to explore and bring structure to information and ideas so that good decisions can be made.
Our Charitable Purpose is to repair, reuse, repurpose, and rehome quality donated items and/or funds into the community through our Partner Network, supporting community wellbeing and reducing landfill waste.
Our Board
Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it.

Holly Lyall - Trustee"Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, Haere whakamua - Care for the land, care for the people, go forward." I'm thrilled to be part of the Re-Source Board. With my background in operational management and strategic growth I have a proven track record of developing and leading high-performing teams within the non-profit sector. I am passionate about leveraging my skills to drive initiatives that enhance Re-Source and its impact on our community and environment.

Phillipa Blakey - ChairPhillipa has over a decade of board level experience in the listed, private and Not-for-Profit sectors across the broader health and community services industry in New Zealand and Australia. Her CEO and senior executive career spanned public and private hospital management, primary care, community services, aged care, disability services and higher education. More recently she has held interim executive roles in the NZ Ministry of Health and NZ Treasury.
Our Management and Operations
Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it.
Please support our good work
We believe that by caring for our environment, we can help improve the lives of people in need. But we can’t do this important work without your support.